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hey ghosts it's me ya boi.. yeah, umm so i took an unnanounced hiatus from wattpad for some dumb ass reason.. oh yeah, sCHOOL! and also i procrastinate a lot but SCHOOL! first, i'd like to apologise for not telling you guys about deactivating from wattpad second, i wanna tell you guys why i unpublished my Crossfire book... i just cba to write anything, honestly. hate on me, i deserve it whatever, i literally have nothing to write.. i didn't delete the book of course, however i just need tiiiimmmeeee for my brain to work so i can complete my second official book. third, BTS ARE PERFORMING AT THE AMA'S GFIWVGFIGFIJHCAKGF- fourth, ....I'm gonna start another book either today or tomorrow. idk but please be patient fifth, who tf am i talking to? no one reads my garbage! sixth, i'm kidding i really appreciate those who somehow have an interest in my books and crap... love yooouu! that is all :) boo-bYYYEEEEE!!