@yourusernametho Aww that's so sweet of you to say! :') Its because of followers like you I keep writing poems. Thanks! :* And have a good night there ~
@Love_is_everywhere Salaam. You're most welcome, I really love it :) I write poems too, I'd be really grateful if you could check out my work and let me know what you think. Have a good night and stay blessed :)
@Twinke_97 Yeah I understand you :o I am also quite busy, but because I had made wattpad quite recently, I keep going on it quite requently ahahah! Of course I will ;33 Ahaha Thank youu <333!:* ♡:* ♡:* ♡xoxo
@graphicalTeaser Gladly! I'm really busy these days but I'll hopefully find some time to do that for sure. Do the same for me? ^_^ ohh that's awesome. Happy belated b'day to you haha :P XoXoXo :* ♡