
So thanks for the 100 followers omg. I'm so excite


I'm sorry but your profile pic is just TOO beautiful for me not to say something about it.


@CoolName11 nah, that statement was probably one of the normal one's I've heard today haha


@CoolName11 look at us in all our fabulousness...haha sorry I'm weird.


          Okay, I apologize to you in advance because  I'm going to sound super annoying saying this, but if you could take a few precious minutes of your time and make a point to check out a book I'm working on, it would mean the whole freaking world to me! It's titled, 'My Knight in Broken Armor' and it's teen fiction, if you happen to like that genre. :)
          I'm not forcing you to read anything you don't want to, but if you could check out my work, I'd be really grateful for that. I'd love to have your opinion! Good or bad, I won't mind. :)
          Thanks for reading this message though! you should know you're really amazing! <3 xoxo


@ILoveTheUSA So, I haven't been able to finish it (as I've had a lot going on at school lately) but what I have read, I absolutely adore. :p


@ILoveTheUSA  THANK YOU! :D I will be waiting for your feedback on the book! And YAY! It's probably the first time I've had a perfect timing for anything..:P And aw..thank you for the compliment! <3 xx


@ILoveTheUSA Yeah, sure I'll read it! :3 I've been looking for a new book to read anyway, so this is perfect timing :) 
            Thanks btw, you're really amazing too <3