
          	Hopie....unnie Don't know baby how this happened and how will we talk now. I will try to be active on yt (its not a promise because I broke promises everytime.) So that atleast we can talk, till tommorow please bear it I will surely come with something new...and tell sunshine also she must be sad. 


Idk if you'll see this or not.. idk if you gonna reply me or not
          I thought maybe we can talk on our birthday but you wasn't online here, I thought to gave a message on yt but you didn't see that, I thought maybe if I mention you on yt, you'll be active but no
          I feel ignored
          I feel as if you left yt just bcoz of me
          I want that messages of you and mine again back on yt
          I want those long lasting convictions back
          But you're not ready to come in yt again
          You're making me miss you more day by day
          I don't even remember how many months ago we peacefully talked
          I want you to see this message in this month only and comeback on yt, maybe just for a message or a comment on my posts?? But if you don't message me there, I'll leave wattpad too just like you left yt
          Hope you see this
          I bet you don't even care about your health, yourself
          Don't you have anything better to do other than risking your health
          If I get to know you're not well someday... You really don't want me to stab you right??
          Just a little message from your hope~
          Now it's your own choice if you wanna see this like a letter or threat
          I'll wait for your response 


@kawakaari hope....believe me I miss you more than you miss you. Because in this world only you care for me more than me. No one else care about me this much even my friend tbh. (If she saw this she will kill me but truth is truth) But hopie believe me unnie miss you so much. My days just have been like sleep work repeat. I even left insta , yt everything just left on Wattpad because of my ongoing series . I remember your birthday love 2 July but that day I was severely Ill I had anxiety attack that day. Happy belated birthday hope. I'm regretting that atleast I could write a birthday note for you atleast on Wattpad. But I'm a bad unnie. I'm not getting any YouTube notifications because I have logged out from that I'd hoping to come back one day. I haven't even write my on going series other chapter yet because of my problems. Just as I complete this ongoing series of mine on Wattpad I will come back on yt maybe not as a writer but I definitely make a come back. I have written that series which I wanted to upload on yt but got no time for editing . Please don't feel ignored hopie. Its just I'm not even giving time to myself as well. And YAHHHHH WHY WILL I LEAVE YT BECAUSE OF YOU HUH? Yah don't leave Wattpad please this is the only way for us to communicate bub. 
            Hehe Stab me already then :( ... I'm okay just a bit Ill. How about you? How are you? Are you okay? Are your parents back? Don't let other peeps hurt you or unnie might murder them okie? 
            I will come back on yt soon. () I really hope so to comeback soon .
            Unnie loves you and miss you like I haven't talked to you for a decade I miss you real bad bby  please take care of yourself for me. 


Hi unnie, the messages were gone, I tried to ask you a lot of you have Pinterest id but didn't got your answer 


hopie where are you baby??? I'm worried about you!! What happened ?? can you make insta id instead their is link in my about contact me there please


@kawakaari hope you're not coming. No email or username like this exist


          Hopie....unnie Don't know baby how this happened and how will we talk now. I will try to be active on yt (its not a promise because I broke promises everytime.) So that atleast we can talk, till tommorow please bear it I will surely come with something new...and tell sunshine also she must be sad.