A kid 🧒 at my school 🚸  stole😱 lima beans💀 from 🐷 the science😤teacher🤷‍♀️and in library 😔 he passes a bean😈 to everyone😬 at the table😭 and this one 1⃣ kid 👺 had a crush on me🥶 and he had told me🐺 to give him my lima bean👿 and that if I didnt😔 he would tell his mom 🤖 that I had a crush🤧🤮 on him🥶 but I didn't give him my bean😿 and 🐜  I don't know 😣 what he told his mom🗿 in that later afternoon😤😭😥
  • JoinedJune 29, 2022
