Hey my lovely 101 followers ❤
A month has passed, a week has passed, a day has passed and so has 2015. I know you've probably heard a million of those nice sappy new year greets. So, here's mine!
Yes, now it's 2016, a new start. A weight has been lifted off of our shoulders now that we have another year done and over with. Then again, 00:00 is always a new start, not just when it comes between December 31st and January 1st. Don't rely on a new year for your new beginnings or new goals. Everyday is a new beginning and an opportunity for new goals. Release that weight everyday, "I got through another day!"
I don't know what has happened in your year and I don't know what's to come for you. I do know that new beginnings and opportunities can come from anywhere. Do you really want to take the wrong ones?