
50,000+ on My Lil' Princess!


Hey everyone!
          There's a few things that I wanted to say:
          Firstly being that I'm so sorry I haven't been on in over 2 months. I know I said I would be on after my exams, but school has just been such a big ball of stress lately, because I'm in my final 2 months of high school! OMG.
          Secondly, for the past 2-3 years, I've been given a school Macbook, but in 1 month, I have to return it and I don't get the opportunity to buy it and keep it. This means that after the next month, my updates will be even less frequent than they are now. 
          So for the next few weeks, I'm going to get as many chapters done as I can, because I know a few of you have been waiting. Don't stress though, I have a majority of the next chapters planned and ready to be written :)
          Thankyou everyone! xx