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          	Oh my gosh, I loved this movie 'I Kill Giants'. And if you have Netflix you should check it out! I gave a none spoiler review linked above, and if you've seen it i'd love to hear your thoughts, what you loved...


          I did a review of a book called 'The Architecture Of Happiness' by Alain De Botton, and I really enjoyed it. If you've ever looked at houses and just interior design, and wondered why you love it so much, this book explains it all, and I let you know how it did for me to, so you know I am not just spouting. I loved this book, and if your wondering 'what can I do to make my place happier, or look better' then this book will be a sure fire way to help you understand and know what to do.


          The final wrap up of the readathon on my blog and what I did, and how Shane of youtube came and ruined my final reading hours. If you're interested in reading about conceited people failing real quick, read my readathon tbr and then go to the last post. I switch real quick. As well as my thoughts on the books I read.


          Day five of my progress through the readathon has been writtenith. If you want to feel better about your own progress with books, then read ahead. I feel like I've set a nice low enough bar so that all others can marvel about their own progress. My sacrifice lol. Plus I talk about the latest book for the week I finished. All in the link above.


          Day three update on what I am doing with myself on this readathon journey. Is it going where I thought it would? No way in hell. Am I proud? noOpE. But is it entertaining? Perhaps. Check out the link above to read all about it, or just find out what book I am currently reading (du Maurier) which has been the best!


          Day two of the readathon of booktube, has in all likely hood come to its end. Sort of in a race-horse-breaking-its-back-so-you-shoot-it-to-put-it-out-of-its-misery. And I hate when they have to shoot the horses too, but the resemblance just felt so uncanny that I had too. Check out my blog post for only day two out of seven if I make it that far, in the link above...