
Probably will post the next chapter of promises soon.


Dunno why I’m posting now but uh…
          Hey Nyx, it’s been a while. It’s Xelqua (or Niki) but I now go by Ezra. Same account, new profile and everything. The family has been rather quiet since you went. I hope one day you’ll come back to this account, online sis. Still waiting for another chapter in Promises Were Made To Be Broken XD
          Wish we could hear from you. 
          Your chaos partner, Xel (or Niki or Ezra or whatever you want) <3


Hello canonically adopted parental figure


@RoseBlueJay My child I gave you a biscuit. Claim it before one of the others does just like @WatcherXanthia claimed @sakina_2029's room XD


Taking a short break while my mental health is pulling itself back together. I think someone in my discord told me to. It might have been @WatcherXanthia (was it you?) but yeah. I will comeback soon. (I'll still be active in discord don't worry)


@EmberDragon34 :) It's almost 3AM and I haven't slept and been chilling on discord with Xanthia... Insomnia is kicking in again


I'm in pain. I want Panadol, my wheat bag, sleep, tea and chocolate. 3/5 of these are achievable alas the other 2 are going to be hinderances for the next week or so


Update: I got my tea and put hot chocolate powder into it. (don't question it) It actually tastes really nice. I also have my wheat bag.