
Thank you @MOIKEY_fuCkiN_wAY for the spam, I really appreciate it!!!!


Im open to book ideas!!!! I've had a BAD case of writers block, and if you guys have any ideas that you don't want to write, then that would really help. I'll give you credit in the book and summary unless you don't want credit.. Thx


@_PanicAtTheYeemo_ I got an idea for a romance story, I'm terrible at romance so I wanna see you try lol, here's the prompt for it.
            "He’s a thief. The thief that deviously stole her heart. Although, unbeknownst to her, she had also stolen his heart. One was afraid to approach the other, and one was too embarrassed and ended up acting hopelessly aloof. Even so, the feelings they had were very real. Two thieves, two hearts, two people, will they be able to steal each other away?"
            Do what you want with it~


@AyumeKZY ah, nothing specific lol


@_PanicAtTheYeemo_ What kind of story ideas are you looking for?


Like, I read wattpad on my SCHOOL chrome book, and there is a really good book I like, but a smut chapter came up and teachers and stuff monitor this crap, I DONT LIKE READING IT but they would take my computer and say I was using it inappropriately.


Why do so many books have smut, its super uncomfortable T^T I don't get how people can read that crap.  It's so gross


@_PanicAtTheYeemo_ the first story i read on wattpad had a lemon scene AND I READ ALL OF IT, i still have regrets ;;


@Devilwithahalo_ (metally highfives you)   T^T we may suffer together


@_PanicAtTheYeemo_ it doesnt make me uncomfortable but i can understand that lol


Okay seriously tho, how did it go from 128 to 141 in the same day wtfffff? im sorry if this is coming off as a brag, but im genuinely confused.


@_PanicAtTheYeemo_ yay anyway thanks for the food


WAIT?!?!? 130 ON eMo MeMe'S?!?!??! ) 0.o HOWWWWWWWWW?!!! AHHHHHHHH thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!! You're all awesome!!


@Wolf_writer4 im not trying to brag, i just wanted to say thanks lol


@_PanicAtTheYeemo_ stop bragging you little ohhh your in trouble tomorrow you better not come to school or else