If anyone us interested in Child of Olympus then I would recommend checking out my Facebook page about it. It shows pictures and has little things that you can't see here
If anyone us interested in Child of Olympus then I would recommend checking out my Facebook page about it. It shows pictures and has little things that you can't see here
I know that some people actually enjoy my story child of Olympus and might worry about what happened to it.(*cough cough kiran*) Don't worry I have just taken it down for maintenance. I have to work on it and I will publish when I am done with it. I will update it as usual when I have finished with my edits.
So I have had some trouble with Child of Olympus. I am writing it in first person from the point of veiw of the same person for the whole story and I'm not sure if it works. So I want to ask a question. What do you think? Should it be in first or third person. And if you think first from a contestant point of veiw or from the pov of different characters? I will make a Child of Olympus in third person and then you can chose which you like best. you can comment on that story saying 'Vote' or that you chose that person. Please don't vote for both because it has to be one and I need to chose it fairly. So what style of writing suits me better. you could also do this on other stories of you think that they coule be better in thord person for example. Thanks! :)