
Feel free to adopt any of my abandoned stories, if you wish, in fact, if you want, just send a message here saying you did it, and I’d appreciate that, might have a look at them if someone wants to write that haha


Hey there, Personwhoreadsalot here, sorry about no updates, but as you can guess, my stories are abandoned, and available for anyone who wishes to adopt them, I just started to not enjoy writing anymore, and instead feel like my fanfiction are pretty bad, not gonna lie, I contemplated deleting them, but because I’ve gotten lot of support on Wattpad, I’ve decided to leave it on the site, I wish the best to everyone here and I’m sorry for not saying something when I abandoned the stories :D


Hey, are you Ok? You've been inactive for a really long time. I hope you're alright.


k, just checking.


@A_Gaming011607 I’m alright, I just ended up not being able to enjoy writing Fan fiction anymore, sorry to leave the stories unfinished, I wish the best for ya, I doubt I’ll be returning to this account anytime soon


Older Heroes rewrite is out! Let me know what you think!


@booperdooperdarn Admittedly when I started writing, I didn’t exactly plan much of anything, just wrote what I thought was cool, and that was it, I didn’t even think to check the ages properly for more then a quick glance lmao


Can you make sure that Mt. Lady is not the ship in this one? If you’re going back 16 years, she would be 8 at that time, and that would be freaking weird.