
I  and appreciate all 142 of y’all :)
          	Psst thank you guys so much for the new follows even though I’ve been… Mia :,) 
          	I would like to start updating again more! But I ofc won’t make any crazy promises on my consistency. I’m a new adult trying to balance that and school. A lot tougher than expected, but I’m doing my best! 
          	(Also, I’m updating all stories today, sorry if you don’t remember what’s going on.. :/)


@hyunjinismyhusband_ thank you so much! :,) this really means a lot. It’s easy to feel like you’re not doing enough yet still not have enough energy to do that thing. 


No rush Ik it’s hard to balance school and life so dw we’ll wait~~Im so ready for the next chapter of infatuation .  


this message may be offensive
Fuck I keep forgetting the emojis don’t exist : ( the beginning had the little hand heart ! Love y’all!!!❤️❤️


I  and appreciate all 142 of y’all :)
          Psst thank you guys so much for the new follows even though I’ve been… Mia :,) 
          I would like to start updating again more! But I ofc won’t make any crazy promises on my consistency. I’m a new adult trying to balance that and school. A lot tougher than expected, but I’m doing my best! 
          (Also, I’m updating all stories today, sorry if you don’t remember what’s going on.. :/)


@hyunjinismyhusband_ thank you so much! :,) this really means a lot. It’s easy to feel like you’re not doing enough yet still not have enough energy to do that thing. 


No rush Ik it’s hard to balance school and life so dw we’ll wait~~Im so ready for the next chapter of infatuation .  


this message may be offensive
Fuck I keep forgetting the emojis don’t exist : ( the beginning had the little hand heart ! Love y’all!!!❤️❤️




@Helpmeeesirlll mmm probablyyyy.. today! : ) very sorry btw!! I rlly want to update more but life is not on my side lmaooo


@_Pixie_lee hey not to bother but when are you gonna update everything about you?


Happy 888 !! Make sure to keep your energy high and positive and have a nice day! Whatever you desire, can be your reality <3


@_Pixie_lee I'm early >< Yea I hope someday we'll get to go to a concert 


@Iambangchanslaptop i feel bad for seeing this late too TT life has been sooooooo :| hectic to say the least. BUT if you desire them.. you just like me fr :p maybe we’ll get to go to a concert someday ykyk


@_Pixie_lee I feel bad cause I just saw this  but like what if u desire stray kids


Hi guys :) this post doesn’t need a reply, but feel free to if there’s any questions or anything you have. 
          Updates are going to be slow this year.. and I mean that’s nothing new considering my update game be lacking. .-. But while I write on Wattpad mainly for fun, I am pursuing becoming an author : ) I’m working on a book right now. But I also want to update on here as well. When i write here it feels so free and I can just let my mind do whatever it wants. I’ve come so far with my writing on here alone and I’m so grateful for it and all of you guys. I may not have a huge following, (we are small but mighty > : } !! ) but I couldn’t be more thankful for all the support and comments. Y’all seriously make me laugh. Another thing to mention, I am currently working on season 4 of everything about you. And sadly.. this is probably the last one. After this i plan to work on my other books one by one until they’re all done. And I can write new ones (teehee) I go through writers block quite often but I do want to apologize for making you all wait for updates : ( ik how annoying it can be. 


@_Pixie_lee no it's okay, as a writer, I understand. It can be hard to balance school and writing at the same time


@Iambangchanslaptop you are too sweet thank you! It really does mean a lot! Right now I’m slightly struggling with schooling, so I feel guilty about not posting but this is my last year so I’ll have all the free time in the world to write.. (well mostly-) : )


@_Pixie_lee I'm so happy for u that your pursuing ur author dreams! When u publish a book, let me know, I'll definitely read it :》Ik it's going to be amazing 