
          	I realize I may not have been able to thank you personally for being my fans, but it sure means alot. Especially because I'm not like a superduper awesome writer-type.... I just read alot ;) 
          	Anyways so if you have time (and are searching for something to read) please check out the writers I've fanned. I can't promise that you'll love them, but they are really good (usually romance) stories. None of them have awful grammar, and the writers are open to critique. Let's start a movement to let these writers-the ones who write because it's a necessity- be the ones who top What's Hot. All you need to do is check them out. There's only fifteen of them up there..... Just a little click. Do it. What could it hurt?
          	Thanks if you do, tell me if you end up loving them as much as I do!
          	<3 PokerLover
          	P.S. Just saying this because a friend of mine was confused: My profile is a ninja with an egg beater and a cupcake (that bit got a little cut off). It's not a mace. FYI I'm very non-violent :) But if you want to suggest a different picture, just PM me :) thanks


          Makes me laugh! I cracked up so bad when i read your birdseed line!
          Haha Classic!!!
          I'm uploading tomorrow- & you are beyond awesome for reading & for liking the story so much. 
          I love you!!- For all your COMMENTS!!! & Suport!