
I have no idea who will see this, or if anyone will see these at all. But from now on I might post short stories that I write. Defiantly not all the short stories I write. Maybe only the ones that I kind of like


First chapter down! Now I have to work on the 2nd one, honestly if people find this I am going to be very surprised.
          I think this is also a good time to mention that I am a student. So. School is a thing and I don't write every day so new chapters are really only going to go up when I manage to complete them.
          Which may or may not be every few weeks. Um. Sorry. Ha. Anyways, I should keep writing


          If by some miracle people are seeing this. I'm writing a story at the moment, I haven't read back or edited anything yet so I'm not going to post about it right now.
          I will keep people informed and updated as to where I'm up to so you can get a vauge idea as to what is happening.
          Until next time!