
Hello my loves, I have a job interview tomorrow but I do really hope to get back to writing soon, maybe I'll make a plan and try and go from there buy in the mean time that's my life update. 


(Monday, March 18th 2024)
          The first official chapter of "can I call you darlin" is out now so please feel free to check it out and tell me what you think.
          Your notes and comments help me to know how I can improve or keep doing well to catch your guys attention. 
          ~Desi ♡


[Sunday, March 17th 2024]
          Hello my loves I've started a new Soa fanfiction called ||Can I call you Darlin?|| and I have just finished the introduction to the story and I hope that it ends up just as good or maybe even better than Outlawed was I know y'all loved that one.
          However I wanna make this new one so good that it will pull you in for more, praying to the gods that I don't dissapoint my readers.
          Love yall so much thank you for the support, 
          ~Desi ♡


Hello everyone!
          I started writing a Harry Potter FanFiction and I did just edit it because my intention is to use Y/n so the reader can feel connected and I also wanna make it suitable for all genders; 
          Its my first time doing it that way but I hope it works out, I hope you guys consider checking out "Unusual Love" it would me a lot to me.
          Again my apologies for bad grammar and punctuation im not the best at it but im also dyslexic, 
          Anyway I hope ya'll enjoy !


I'm considering wrapping up (Outlawed)  soon just because it's not bringing me anything of interest anymore.
          But I started something new lately and yeah I know there's not a lot of Twilight lover out there but I'm more happy with that story lately that I am with (Outlawed)  because I actually have ideas for that sort unlike the other. 
          So please for be upset if (Outlaw) gets an ending really soon.
          Thanks for your support, 
          ~Desi ♡


Chapter 21 of (Outlawed)  is up now so check it out, I'm not 100% okay yet but I wanted to give you all something to look forward to and I also wanna give you guys the opportunity to throw in your own ideas of what you'd like to see in future chapters, you have the option to leave comments and PM me here on wattpad, so make your voice known. Every idea will be taken into mind to help with an amazing story that so many of you love, later everyone.
          ~Desi ♡