
Hi my name is Kukie but some people spell it Cookie. I'm twelve turning thirteen. I'm in grade seven and a bit of a popular chick. 
          	My parents are lawyers and my bestie is a mad straight A student. I'm a bit on the wild side and my favorite colours are purple, blue and black. Pink just makes my feet cold. My favorite movies are-Monster in Paris,3 idiots, Spongebob Square Pants and Brave.


My name is Jess and I am writing a book called 'Cupid's Love' . I was wondering if you wanted read it and tell me what you think of it. So please
          If you have time read my book, just check my profile to find it :) 


Hi my name is Kukie but some people spell it Cookie. I'm twelve turning thirteen. I'm in grade seven and a bit of a popular chick. 
          My parents are lawyers and my bestie is a mad straight A student. I'm a bit on the wild side and my favorite colours are purple, blue and black. Pink just makes my feet cold. My favorite movies are-Monster in Paris,3 idiots, Spongebob Square Pants and Brave.