Sorry for the disappearance fellow AL enjoyers, unfortunately ol' Author-Chan here has been dealing with constant health issues that severely limit my ability to do much. Not to say the fanfics are abandoned though. Apart from announcing that I am not in fact pushing up daises, I do want to address the topic of remixing my fics As specified in both <Smokes and Mirrors> and <Capture the Bismarck>, you are completely free to remix, rewrite, spinoff, or build off of my fanfics. You can use the storyline of both stories, the characters, and even my artworks freely. Obviously however, you have to give credit to where it is due. As long as you do that, go town and let your own creativity flow Seriously now, I'll try and push out these two chapters that has been in the making for a bit too long. <Smokes and Mirror> would be getting a slight rework to the story cover art, the loading screen art, and the ship bio chapter will be repurposed into a gallery chapter filled with concept arts, additional info regarding our beloved Austrian dreadnaught, along with an actual full body splash art of her (FINALLY) along with two other variants which the readers can poll to decide which "costumes" Franz shall don in future writing and artworks Sorry for the radio silence ladies and gentlemen, but this is far from the end. I'll type out the entire fanfic with my forehead if I have to, chapters will get released. Have a great December, be good out there, and may god be with you all

@_Remilia__Scarlet_ Wtf pensaba que estaba muerta o habia perdido acceso a su cuenta como otros muchos autores de historias de esta plataforma