
Do any of my followers watch Survivor? I know most (if not all) of y'all watch Total Drama, so I'm curious if any of you watch the show that Total Drama is a parody of


So apparently Total Drama is getting 2 new seasons. If either of those seasons is similar to Total Drama Reunion, the fan project that Fresh TV shut down, I'm gonna be PISSED.


@JohnathenYoungs because they shut down a really cool fan project, and it would be scummy of them to shut it down and then copy it.


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lmafo, I'm watching TotalDramaRicky's Dawn video that he uploaded on his channel in November, and he used a screenshot from the Dawn chapter of my book where I talk about my opinions of Total Drama characters. I almost choked on my yogurt when I saw that. That is so fucking funny.


PSA: Any Total Drama fans should check out Total Drama Oskayi Island. All the details are on the YouTube channel 'chester801'. It's a really cool fan project. There are currently three chapters of the web comic that are published, but the creator is working on getting the first two episodes animated. This project has been in the works for around a decade and is really good, so you guys should all go check it out


Anybody been dumped before? If so, how did you get over your ex? Asking for a friend... totally not for me... heh heh...


@JohnathenYoungs got any advice for my friend?