
I’m so sorry guys for the lack of updates..life has been crazy the last couple months with the end of school and then my step father passed a few weeks ago..I just haven’t really been in the mood to write much. But I’m starting to feel a bit better and I’ve been writing more :) 


Hi author, I hope all is well with you. I just wanted to ask if you had plans to finish "WarZone" or just move on to another project? Anything I hope all is well with you!  


Hi! Thank you for the votes and comments, I see them and am so glad you like the stories! I do intend on continuing War Zone, but I don’t have a definitive date unfortunately :/


I’m so sorry guys for the lack of updates..life has been crazy the last couple months with the end of school and then my step father passed a few weeks ago..I just haven’t really been in the mood to write much. But I’m starting to feel a bit better and I’ve been writing more :) 


Hey guys! I know the updates have been coming pretty slow, but I haven’t been feeling very motivated to continue writing this book. I don’t feel that people are actually enjoying it, as I never get any feedback with votes or comments. On top of this, my family is going through some major things, so bear with me please. Love y’all ❤️