CHOICES if i can’t do what i want to do then my job is to not do what i don’t want to do it’s not the same thing but it’s the best i can do if i can’t have what i want … then my job is to want what i’ve got and be satisfied that at least there is something more to want since i can’t go where i need to go … then i must … go where the signs point through always understanding parallel movement isn’t lateral when i can’t express what i really feel i practice feeling what i can express and none of it is equal i know but that’s why mankind alone among the animals learns to cry Remember "A poem of Friendship"? Same author - hope you like this one too ;) Read your last poem again, still thinking the same I told you when I first read it : Beautifully sad, bittersweet...but also full of hope. I loved it <3

@simaagn I love you. Followed the link the other day and read the other four poems. Each as different as the next but just as touching. Thanks so much Marie, for everything.