Next one ??? Which one should i publish first vote which one with that particular ❤️ emojis 
          	 My everything
          	 Run away 


My debut story mafia love is going to finish within this month... I think few more episodes but not too much the end is very soon... And a new story of mine is going to published soon , a new one 
          I will give a hint of what kind of story this is 
          Its my own life story but with a little upgraded level.....
          Its something about reality... Kinda of like that 
          That's it i am not gonna spoil it more 


@_SAR_ANG_ i am going to miss mafia love and happy for new story 


@_SAR_ANG_  soo i am curious about the new one


@_SAR_ANG_  yes mafia love is going end ...... So sad 


Guys thank you so much for your support  i am always grateful for you..... My debut story is almost 500 views  but guys these what i observed is that the views like likes are more than views i am in confusion like how is that possible?????


@_SAR_ANG_  yes i think the same 


Sis when are you going to publish another ep and are you thinking of publishing a new story pls reply me 


huh? A new story is coming  wow can't wait


And yes secret 


@_s_h_i_n_e_y_  hm well i am thinking to upload today and sorry as I was busy in something i wouldn't upload 