
yo you good, and if i may ask what has happened to the spider-man sequel story you where working on?


i was going to do that regardless anyhow have a good night and stay safe


@jellperson I know but hey, you can still read my current one If you'd like


ah man i was hoping to read it, oh well it's your story and i hope you will one day bring it back but again it's your story


Thinking about finally doing that sequel to my Spider-Man story, but don't know how to start it off, any ideas?


@_SCI-GUY_  so just ideas since i just saw this either a year after where the last chapter left off or a few years ahead with both not really wasting time on them getting used to school and mainly focusing in on peter's current life and plans and you could possibly do a spectacular intro allowing for a quick recap on some of the more major events that happened in the previous story and minor one's after it ended that way we get details on what happened but not the whole story so it doesn't ruin it for possible new reader to these books and would make them want to read the previous book to get a better picture for this book just ideas discard them if there not to your liking


What happened to your DeadPool story?


@NotRaziel the rewrite is the reason for the missing chapters


I meant the missing chapters 


@NotRaziel rewrite but haven't updated in a few weeks been busy


@_SCI-GUY_ do you have a copy of the old  deadpool story pre rewrite, im kinda impatient and want to read more


@Jmendoza017 but I am planning on finishing updating the chapters, won't take too long but still...plus, I deleted some chapters that didn't really needed to be included in the story


@Jmendoza017 unfortunately no, I am sorry