
Hey y’all just wanted to let you all know that Wattpad has been hacked and users information is being stolen and being put on the internet so I think it is a good idea for anyone that is reading this to change your password on this app and may want to think about changing your password a couple times a year. Also if your current password to Wattpad is being used for other apps then you should change those too. If you are having trouble changing your password you can contact Wattpad or ask me for help. Stay safe and healthy, bye.


Hey i see you are a snh48,i'm knew to this fandom and ,idk if you want but,can you explain me what the whole 48 group is about?because is really huge and i having some troubles to knowing them(sorry for my English but it's not my first language)


@notsostr8girl Yes I absolutely love Teen Wolf, been my favorite show since it came out 


@_SNH48_48groups sorry if i didn't respond you earlier I didn't see the message,btw thank for your time and   for explaining now it's way more clear,thank you again <3


Hey y’all just wanted to let you all know that Wattpad has been hacked and users information is being stolen and being put on the internet so I think it is a good idea for anyone that is reading this to change your password on this app and may want to think about changing your password a couple times a year. Also if your current password to Wattpad is being used for other apps then you should change those too. If you are having trouble changing your password you can contact Wattpad or ask me for help. Stay safe and healthy, bye.


Imagine being as useless as a banshee and only finding dead bodies. BORING 


@_SNH48_48groups I know it’s true, but I refuse to believe it, because yes, I love to read.


@SinBGfYerin Well Lydia was also able to turn Mason back in to human so...yes, I love to read


Mcalls gonna do it again!


@_SNH48_48groups Part of me wants to ask the other part says knowing will be more disturbing than anything I could ever imagine, so I’m gonna walk away


@SinBGfYerin Someone ask her if shes ever played lacrosse 


@_SNH48_48groups Today is our Independence Day!