Tips on having to go to school everyday when you have to be near and see that one person that makes your heart physically hurt? Just asking for a friend 


Nothing feels better but not at the same time then finally being done. Not thinking about them. Deleting the pictures. Not caring if they message again. Not caring what the excuse would be this time. And every little thing from the past few weeks was nothing but manipulation and lies 


Why do we keep letting the same person hurt us over and over and over again 


@_STMG_ because that person just makes us happy and we can't let go of them, no matter how hard we try. anything they do, doesnt end up hurting us and we just let it go like's nothing. but then later on we realise how foolish we were.


@_STMG_ because we have this little something called a heart, and no matter what happens, if you care about the person you'll do anything for them. 


Because we find comfort in what we know. We learned what triggers to avoid. We brace ourselves for there volatile behaviors. We allow ourselves to accept there crumbs of love. Then to face this unknown world alone.  Having to start all over is always daunting we rather have a crappy hand to hold than no hand at all. 


Oh gosh, I’m so sorry everyone. I thought I had already made an update status about the chapters. I’m truly sorry. The past few weeks have been exceptionally busy with school and work, and some health issues. The chapters are nearly done, it’s just midterms have gotten in the way. Along with not feeling the best. 
          I truly apologize and I hate saying they’re coming and then they don’t. I really really appreciate the understanding and the patience. 
          I currently am a full time business student, and I work as well. This semester has been incredibly busy and packed full of work. Getting sick and other issues haven’t made it easy. I am sorry and they are almost done. I really appreciate everyone being understanding and so kind and supportive. Writing is my passion, it’s just school and work get in the way. And after going through a break up, it’s sometimes hard to write. But things are better and they’ll be out soon. I promise it’s worth the wait, you will love River and Lyra’s next chapters. 
          Thank you to everyone who’s so supportive, understanding and thank you for reading my book. These books are my babies. River and Lyra are some of my favourite, complex, messy characters. I love their flaws and their perks. Their story is far from over. 
          Be ready for some spicy chapters soon! 


@_STMG_ Hey, its all good, we all understand and we'll wait as long as we need to. You get your work done and we'll be waiting. I can't wait to see the chapters!!!