its so sad to see this account down and empty. Farewell all my bnha followers. Farewell to my notifs being blown up by 12 year old mha fans thirsting over Hitoshi Shinso. Farewell to my cringe fanfics. I truly hope that everyone who maybe sees this after following for my old content is doing well. If not, I love you guys, even though I jab at my old stories all the time and took them down. This was my begining, I had so many great experiences here, and I even got messaged by a company looking to pay for my stories. This really was were it all started and I can't thank you guys enough for getting me to where I am now. If your stressed, upset, tired, or just in a bad mood, here's a nice ambiance that I found that cheered me up: https://youtu.be/uxgm3hbEc1k I just love Zelda, it's my entire childhood, and the fairy fountain theme was my favorite. Hope it brings you all some peace. Love you guys ♥♥♥

and if my old friend @Fontfreak ever sees this, or checks Wattpad again... I want you to know that you were so dear to me in our short little conversations. I love you and I hope your dreams with writing have gone far! I'm sorry I never contacted you. I truly am, I just couldn't seem to get in contact with you through any of the emails you gave me. But I do care about you and I miss you allot. You were my first and only Wattpad friend ♥♥♥