
Yesterday, July 26th, marked one years since ‘The Dragon’s Legacy” was released!
          	It’s been one of the most pleasurable and fulfilling journeys of my life since I was able to write a story that I could share with everyone who read it and more than enjoy it! The friends that I met along the way on this very Wattpad are some of the people that I thankful that ever came across of!
          	The story is filled with many characters that I can write a whole 5000 word chapter on each one of them and their significance to me, but I must be selfish now and just give a shout out to the man who’s name is the story and his story dear to my heart; Daemion Targaryen.
          	Words can never describe how much Daemion I Targaryen means to me and I could never imagine how much love he would receive from the readers ❤️
          	When I wanted to the Dragon’s Legacy, I did wonder what type of man do I want him to be. A cruel man? A determined one? How would I describe him so the readers could view him? For the longest time I did struggle with this: Who Daemion I Targaryen truly is?
          	And I did found the answer along the way: A son, a warrior, a father, a lover but most important than all (to me) A man with a golden heart ❤️
          	Thank you to everyone who supported me through this year ❤️ Words can never describe how much I truly appreciate every single one of you, and all I dare to hope is that I can keep delivering good stories for YOUR entertainment, for I take God as my witness that entertaining you with a good story is all I aim for ❤️
          	With all the love in my heart,


@_Savren_ Daemion may be one of the best written Ocs in the whole of Wattpad. So many Ocs are frankly insufferable and more than half of their motivation don't make sense or their actions don't really have any impact in the story, Daemion's actions keep coming back to him. Thank you for bringing Daemion to life ❤️


@_Savren_ Awesome, brother ❤️  


Yesterday, July 26th, marked one years since ‘The Dragon’s Legacy” was released!
          It’s been one of the most pleasurable and fulfilling journeys of my life since I was able to write a story that I could share with everyone who read it and more than enjoy it! The friends that I met along the way on this very Wattpad are some of the people that I thankful that ever came across of!
          The story is filled with many characters that I can write a whole 5000 word chapter on each one of them and their significance to me, but I must be selfish now and just give a shout out to the man who’s name is the story and his story dear to my heart; Daemion Targaryen.
          Words can never describe how much Daemion I Targaryen means to me and I could never imagine how much love he would receive from the readers ❤️
          When I wanted to the Dragon’s Legacy, I did wonder what type of man do I want him to be. A cruel man? A determined one? How would I describe him so the readers could view him? For the longest time I did struggle with this: Who Daemion I Targaryen truly is?
          And I did found the answer along the way: A son, a warrior, a father, a lover but most important than all (to me) A man with a golden heart ❤️
          Thank you to everyone who supported me through this year ❤️ Words can never describe how much I truly appreciate every single one of you, and all I dare to hope is that I can keep delivering good stories for YOUR entertainment, for I take God as my witness that entertaining you with a good story is all I aim for ❤️
          With all the love in my heart,


@_Savren_ Daemion may be one of the best written Ocs in the whole of Wattpad. So many Ocs are frankly insufferable and more than half of their motivation don't make sense or their actions don't really have any impact in the story, Daemion's actions keep coming back to him. Thank you for bringing Daemion to life ❤️


@_Savren_ Awesome, brother ❤️  


I see what you did.
          I was already thinking about Godwyn The Golden with your new prologue, and your new picture just confirmed it. 
          Waiting to see what you deliver to us. Seems good sh*t. 


@NRuts24 Sekiro, Dark souls and Elden ring were heavy inspirations for me to start my own universe (along with Asoiaf Ofc) so i believe overall it will have a similar feel to souls universes ❤️


@_Savren_ Are you making your own Souls-like universe?
            That's the impression I got, and I love it.


Then I hope I can keep you interested ❤️❤️❤️


          “The Forgotten Sun” is my original work and free of the world of Asoiaf and “The Legacy” trilogy.
          If you are an enjoyer of fantasy or (I’m flattering myself here) my writing, I hope I get to see your comments and thoughts on my new story.
          Much love ❤️


@Rome0508 ❤️❤️❤️❤️


@Hishsjsjsb You are too kind! ❤️❤️


@_Savren_ the prologue is very good and intriguing 


“A sunrise over the never-ending sea…”


@_Savren_ like someone passing away 


@Rome0508 what do you mean by that my brother? Where do you think it’s going? 


@_Savren_ that sounds beautiful but I feel this is going to a different direction 


          The reason I have not been uploading as frequent as before, is because I am working on two Original stories (aside of Asoiaf), which I will be uploading when the main concept of them are written and figured out.
          The Dragon’s Legacy is still the beating heart of my platform and so is the upcoming Sequels, but along side them, I will be putting out my original works as well.
          Have a beautiful day and night ❤️


@_Savren_ It's all good, brother. I can't wait to see them in the future ♥️♥️♥️



@Rome0508 anytime ❤️❤️❤️


@_Savren_ Thank you my brother it means a lot ♥️♥️


          I am deeply sorry that my updates have not been as frequent as before and my lack of ability to answer your comments or, more importantly, my inability to answer your direct messages that you send me on my Instagram.
          I have been busier than ever but I promise we will be back on my frequent updates and answering all your messages ❤️
          Much love ❤️


@_Savren_ it's alright brother everybody is busy at some point take your time if need be


I consumed two pieces of game of thrones universe today. One was hotd and the other one was your book... And I can't believe a fanficton written by someone in their spare time was more put together than a whole tv show. Congregations


That is the best compliment I could have gotten ❤️ I hope you found something to enjoy about last night’s Hotd episode ❤️


My friends 
          I am sorry for lack of updates and my speed of responding on Instagram. I have gotten busy with my job and some other things, but no need to worry because I have been writing seven chapters at the same time. 
          New chapters of The Dragon’s Legacy will soon be out.
          Much love ❤️


@_Savren_ it's all right, man things happen that need to be done ❤️♥️♥️


My friends
          Everyone are entitled to their opinion about my story. If it’s good (in your opinion) then it’s good. If it’s bad, then it’s bad. It can be a great story or the worst thing you have ever read. 
          But what I will not accept is direct insult to myself. Someone in the comments wrote “whoever wrote this story must be a cu*k. If you’d go back to the woman after she chose another man over you.” I quote. (I have deleted the comment because I will not have this negativity on my story) 
          My characters does NOT reflect my personality. If you are incapable of separating me from whatever my characters do, feel, or even THINK then please stop reading my story.
          Don’t say anything if you don’t have anything nice or constructive criticism.
          Have a beautiful Sunday 


@Astera_Targaryen you are too kind to me❤️


@pollysmeli it’s all good friend ❤️