@Isabellovesyoumore I'm 14 nearly fifteen and don't you worry my mum flipped her shit safe to say my teacher gives me the stink eye whenever I'm in her room
@Isabellovesyoumore oh I didn't actually say that she would've blown her lid If I said that instead I stood like a good little girl and nodded :') good times
@Isabellovesyoumore I didn't get detention thankfully, I did get a lecture from her though! Apparently such 'vulgar language' should be used. I was like Hunni you don't see what I read on Wattpad ;)
@Isabellovesyoumore My Teacher had an ice pack on her knee and was like I was hit with a big long stick and I shouted out that's what she said and then she sent me out of the class!
@_Scribbler_ lol !! yas! a lot of people have seen me so many times and said they died while reading my comments. I would reply with sarcasm haha lmfaoo