
Also heads up everyone I'm changing my name because it's gotten really old for the current old me haha.


Umm so.....I'm back...Goodness it's been three years ahahaha....I've had a hectic time, finally got time to write and things to do now, I really hope some of you are still around because honestly all of you are amazing and I've really missed you all. 
          I WILL BE CONTINUING THE STORY I KNOW I SAID THAT THREE YEARS AGO BUT...YES. I also want to also start an original romance series to improve my romance writing, so please bear with me on that part....
          How have you all been these past three years?


Um so, hi. Surprise! I’m alive still! Exams are over and so I’m gonna be doing some writing (if anyone still cares after ....a couple of years... There’s going to be major reworking in basically all the chapters cause I realised the writing is awful and has no plot. Fear not, a plot line has been planned. Once editing has been finished I’ll do a mass update for all previous chaps and hopefully a few new chaps. See you soonish (i.e either a few weeks or less depending on my sporadical mind). 


@CaptainSSilver YAY CAN'T WAIT Imma go re-read Something To Fight For in the meantime!


Okie dokie peoples. To whoever still wants to read the story, I will probably update soon but the main focus for me is to reorder chapters and do major editing. Next chapter will be sometime this week. See you soon and thanks for reading!