
I don’t think you all will read this but I’m just reading a book in which HIV and AIDS are mentioned. I find unsettling and disturbing that a lot of people doesn’t know about it. Trust me (I’m a nurse and I studied and talked about it) you can have a normal life (sure, with medicaments and attention) and even if it’s unsettling and scary, you won’t die the day after you have been tested positive. Yes, there isn’t a therapy which will cure it completely yet, but there’s nothing to be disgusted about it. Yes, you can catch it with sex (stay safe please), but even with an injection or blood (easier for health workers), exchanging syringes (drugs) and in other ways which have to do with bloody fluids but it can happen and it’s not your fault. Damn, you can catch it just by kissing a person if both of you have a chapped and cut lips, so you don’t have to be disgusted by people who are tested positive and you don’t have to think HIV means death. 


Hey love❤️ I hope you’re doing okay during this time. There’s a book I would love it if you could please check out. “Secrets In The City” it’s really good. You’ll need a tea cup for all the drama you’ll have to sip. There’s mystery comedy drama romance it has everything. I know you’ll enjoy it and I would love to hear your opinion on it. 


I don’t think you all will read this but I’m just reading a book in which HIV and AIDS are mentioned. I find unsettling and disturbing that a lot of people doesn’t know about it. Trust me (I’m a nurse and I studied and talked about it) you can have a normal life (sure, with medicaments and attention) and even if it’s unsettling and scary, you won’t die the day after you have been tested positive. Yes, there isn’t a therapy which will cure it completely yet, but there’s nothing to be disgusted about it. Yes, you can catch it with sex (stay safe please), but even with an injection or blood (easier for health workers), exchanging syringes (drugs) and in other ways which have to do with bloody fluids but it can happen and it’s not your fault. Damn, you can catch it just by kissing a person if both of you have a chapped and cut lips, so you don’t have to be disgusted by people who are tested positive and you don’t have to think HIV means death. 


Hello everyone, I hope you all are okay! 
          I would like to ask my followers if there are any English mother tongues who would like to help me improve with this language! Feel free to write me anytime you want! I would be very grateful ☺️


Okay, only that one works ahaha I used 5 more but they didn’t show in the last message ahaha


If I have to be honest, it don’t know how I manage to do it... lemme try other emojis and we figure out which of them show... ☺️ 


Ho appena visto che @opheliaeva ha aggiornato. Mi sono messa a ballare in mezzo al corridoio per andare in mensa. Che figuraccia. 
          Sono contenta tu sia tornata, mi stavo preoccupando a non sentirti più :( 


Obv *-* cercherò di non essere troppo infantile giuro ahahah ma il fangirling mi rende molto disagiata 


@ _Sider_  vabbè poi aspetto un tuo parere anche di là u-u 


Insegnatemi a fidarmi di me stessa e a farmi andar bene le cose perché io qui ho qualcosa come 5 storie nelle bozze ma mi sembrano troppo schifose e mi blocco con la scrittura .-. 


Pimpi, tu dovresti ancora commentarmene una... 


@Opheliaeva so che ti stresso e vorresti uccidermi praticamente sempre perché sono insistente come una mosca ma facci avere tue notizie... anche solo per sapere se la nostra amata autrice è viva e vegeta ❤️


@_Sider_ sono viva <3 e comunque mi fa piacere che ti mancano i miei capitoli *-* tornata da Lucca ho avuto degli spiacevoli accadimenti personali che mi hanno tenuto la testa altrove, ma avevo intenzione di scrivere nel weekend. Quindi non disperate u.u