

Hello viewers! Just out to let you know that Part 1 of my first ever story will be published sometime this week! Whoop whoop!
          Here's a little sneak peak!
          "It was cold, dark, empty. That's what the Null was made to be after all, the Graveyard of the Titans, the final place of every living thing on earth. It would never be so alive as Earth, or anywhere outside of the Null, but it was calming for him, Grimm loved how quiet it was, how empty it was, being alone never bothered him, eventually someone would come visit him he thought. He stood in the middle of the grass fields, the dark green, close to gray blades flowing to the cold, dry wind, he stood looking at a book, it was an obituary."
          Hope that caught you on a sliver on the world and a little about the main character!
          Divine Discord; being released sometime through, September 27-28!
          With all regards,
          Silent One