Hey y'all! Well, I've been in the hospital again. I got a sepsis infection and my MRSA came outta remission. I was quite sick. Spent 3 wks in there and am now hm with a hm health nurse for recoup. Those of you that figured it out from my new bio and the msgs I'd been leaving here had known I was pregnant. Well, my sickness was too strong for my sweet girl's bad heart to take. Elli Paullynn was born sleeping on September 21, 2021 at 1:32am...the day I turned 25 wks. My girl Mellow (as Emma now likes to be called) and I are in grieving so please excuse any extended absence. If you have my phone number, what's app, or email, feel free to contact me there...or if you'd like one of those to be in contact with me, pm me here and lmk. I still love you all...never forget that <3
@jacqvelyns I'm sorry it's taken so long to reply, but thank you. It's been earth shattering. I'm taking it day by day, month by month, and slowly healing <3