
I think I've lost all faith in humanity on Wattpad- not a single person responded to my previous post. :(


Hi guys,
          First off, bonus points to anyone who noticed I didn't use an exclamation point, which is very unlike me.
          Second: there's something I've been struggling with lately. A few months ago, someone very carelessly said 'Oh, that one? Yeah, it wasn't very good.' Those are their actual words. This really hurt my feelings, but the person didn't seem to care (at all). I'm not going to name any names, but the same person has been hating on me for a very long time, and continue to do so. Now, (believe it or not), I'm a very sensitive person, so this teasing hurts me probably a lot more than it should. But maybe not that much more, since the person has been laughing at me for a very long time, and honestly I'm getting fed up with it. Those of you who know me in person might realize who I'm talking about, and I think I'm hoping the person will read this and see how much they hurt me, even if they're not doing it on purpose. This is part of the reason why I haven't been posting on Wattpad at all lately, and I'm not really sure what else to do. If anyone has any ideas on how to get this person to realize they're really hurting my feelings, please comment!! 
          Thanks you guys. I'm really not sure what I would do without social media. () But seriously, I love you guys. (I just couldn't resist the tongues!)


Oh lol I meant to use gender neutral words and I guess I did that till the end whoops either way my advice stands :)


@NerdGuide101 Thank you. I might take you up on that offer to vent. And actually, the person is a boy.


Honestly I recommend just ignoring them. As  someone who has been in that kind of situation before, I find it best to avoid them and instead surround yourself with people who know how great you are. I know it's hard to not let their words get to you ,but in the end that person is meaningless in the greater scheme of things. You know who you are, and you are the only one who can decide what that is. Stay strong and I hope everything improves soon! I'll be here if you need to talk. Trust me, it's great to vent to someone who has no material bonds to your life, they provide a third party, un-biased opinion. Also if this girl is just being mean to be mean, she probably has some major issues herself.