
Hello dearly author 
          This is me ur friend
          This my another account(bliss)
          I love to read ur story 
          Plz update soon❤️❤️


            Someone seems to be really smart 


LMAOO its crazy how you still agree with ur comment abt “gagging rn” whats even crazier is that you admit that you said that because you dont like girls that are in gay books, that have the balls to ask out out them. like i get its a boyxboy but hating on her when she doesnt even know/ even the mc doesn’t even know that he’s gay is weird.. anyways watch how your gonna delete my message (if you can) or just block me cuz you know im right ‍♀️


@_Socrates__  thats still rude tho, sorry abt it


@i_dontgive_afuck i dont mind you calling me weird(ppl have called me autistic)


ok thanks for actually replying to me first off and thank you for not blocking me :) i get what you mean abt girls in bl books and how some of them don’t really act like actually girls if that’s what you’re implying (i understand what you’re trying to say i js cant do the same /like explain it the same way/) and anyway i get you but that girl in that one bl book rlly did match most of the personalities, shes brave, sweet, and nice. not forcing and all of that for now i havent read on yet. but still i’ll respect your opinion since you have the heart to respect mine <3 and dont worry i didnt only go for you abt hating on girls, if i had the energy to reply to u abt it i did it to the rest, and sorry for calling u weird 


I sent an Angel to watch over you yesterday, but they came back. I asked them 'Why', they chuckled, "Angels don't watch over other angels" Twenty angels are in your world, 10 of them are sleeping and 9 of them aren't and one of them is reading this message. The universe has seen you struggling with some days, it's over. A blessing is coming your way. If you believe in Karma, send this to 14 of your friends, including me. If I don't get this back I'm not one of them. (As soon as you get 5 back, someone you love will quietly surprise you... Not joking) Pass this message on and don't ignore it. You are being tested. Karma is going to fix two big things tonight in your favour. If you believe in karma, drop everything and pass this on. Tomorrow will be the best day of your life. Send this to 14 friends in 10 minutes, it's not that hard. Whoever else sends it to you must care about you


why do you have fictosexual in your bio? it was literally created to mock lgbtq+


            oh, lol even im ezy to annoy


            oh I just saw you in comments of one book and I don't remember which one or what you commented but it was smth that made me annoyed but you seem nice and I'm easy to annoy so don't worry 


            random question, how did u find my profile. We dont seem to hv stuff in common.


To Luna~
          Post this on your five bestest friends page. 
          If you got killed, I wouldn’t be at your funeral.
          I would be in jail for killing the person who killed you. 
          If you got hurt, I wouldn’t be by your side to comfort you. 
          I would be planning a murder on who/whatever hurt you. 
          If somebody broke your heart, I would stay in the phone with you all night to comfort you. And probably even more so when you watch the news the next day to realise that the person who broke you heart had been brutally murdered. 
          Best friends in the heart, even when we’re miles apart.