That one kid who never fazed out of their gacha life faze and still sings the weird depressed songs where the main character is covered in scars and is bullied
I know too many of those kids ://
I don’t know what’s bobbing on with me but for the past 5 days I have been eating an entire book each day. Like full on 400 page books and I just sit there reading
Save me :’))
You are the reason my motivation exists
Your comments make me smile after a bad day
In other words thank you for existing and I hope this doesn't sound too gay lmao
His yellow skin shining under the waves
His thin arms holding the nets of jelly
His pants fitting perfectly around his square body
His pineapple hut slowly deteriorating but still calling it home
He’s a man that
I’m supposed to go somewhere at 5 am, it’s currently 12 am and I am doing the work that is needed to get what is happening at 5am done cause I procrastinate :OOO