
Thank-yew for reading my book! What was the best about it, may I ask? Anyway, thankyou for the votes too :D


@_SonLuis  well, I support you! :D good luck with your goals, mate. And good work with your efforts on the English learning. English speakers are seriously privileged, since most media is in it. Happy you took an interest!


@TwilightMewniverse It's been great to read these piles of books, because they are helping me to give me ideas for my own books and they are also showing me new words and ways of writing to help me improve.
              Yes, it was really hard to read all these books since they were in English but it was still very good, because it helped me to learn more words in English and to speak better too.
              I still use the translator a lot, because I still don't have the confidence in myself to try to talk to someone without a translator and saying what I know.


That's okay, I understand. It was pretty nice to hear that you've been going through a ton of books, must've been  hard since they were in English. The translator part is no problem, I would've done the same! ( I feel I shouldn't use any weird slangs though, since some translators don't like that)