
 can you guys believe I wrote another Kevin fanfic because I did




I can't believe y'all are actually still reading and blowing up my kevin x reader with comments, I was so young when I wrote that that was 8the grade and beginning freshman year me, wow.
          But anyway, if you Stan got7 can you please read my newest story? I would love it if it could get to 22k reads just as the Kevin x Reader did. If you don't Stan got7, read it anyway lol (or maybe check into then and read it once you're a bit educated on The group members, specifically Jaebum) I really like the concept, I'm proud of it, and I want to continue it but I'm not going to if no one reads it so please, check it out


Love all your books hope you continue doing this forever (as a professional if you aren't already)


@Madilynn1466 awe thank you so much! I'm afraid I wouldn't use my writing as a career or professionally though. Its just something I do for fun. My passion and what i hope to become a professional in is music performance


Hello! I just wanted to say.. 
          Thank you so much for making a Kevin X Reader! He's my fav character in SU. I didn't read it yet, I just wanted to tell you this because I really wanted to thank you for making the book! Anyway, gotta read it!
          Keep smiling and stay strong! :)


@lailionfleek  Kevin's not quite my favorite su character, but he is my favorite jerk ;^) 
            Thank you for reading and for your support. I encourage you to keep smiling and stay strong as well!