
Hi, everyone,
          	 I’m sorry for not publishing anything in a really long time. But I decided that I will correct mistakes in all off my stories before publishing new parts. Also, I just start university, so the uploads will probably be slow. I hope you won’t be mad at me for that.
          	And on another note, there is also a possibility that I will change covers for all my books. I just thought you should know that. But don’t worry I will let you know before it happens. When you will see the new covers, you will know that the stories are back. I can do a special chapter where you can choose the next cover if you’d like. Just let me know either by a personal message or write it in the replay section under this.
          	With Love L


Hi, everyone,
           I’m sorry for not publishing anything in a really long time. But I decided that I will correct mistakes in all off my stories before publishing new parts. Also, I just start university, so the uploads will probably be slow. I hope you won’t be mad at me for that.
          And on another note, there is also a possibility that I will change covers for all my books. I just thought you should know that. But don’t worry I will let you know before it happens. When you will see the new covers, you will know that the stories are back. I can do a special chapter where you can choose the next cover if you’d like. Just let me know either by a personal message or write it in the replay section under this.
          With Love L


Hi guys,
          I just wanted to say that I’m sorry for not updating my stories in a while. I was very busy with school. I just finished high school. I’ve had graduation finals since February until this Monday (May 21st), so I was studying like crazy, which is also the reason why I wasn’t updating.  But I will be updating soon don’t worry. It probably will be today or tomorrow. See you all soon. Love, L❤️
          Ahojky ľudkovia,
          Len som sa Vám chcela ospravedlniť za to, že som sem dlho nič nepridala. Bola som totiž veľmi zaneprázdnená kvôli škole. Nedávno som totiž skončila strednú školu. Od februára až do pondelka (21-ho Mája) som mala maturity. Takže som sa musela učiť ako blázon, to je vlastne aj dôvod prečo som sem nič nepridala. Ale nebojte sa to sa čoskoro znení. Pravdepodobne pridám niečo dnes alebo zajtra. Čoskoro sa vidíme. S láskou, L❤️


Thanks for following. Also, I would be very glad if you could also promote my story. I'd gladly do the same. 


You’re welcome  sure I will make a chapter about your story in my books so everyone can go read it because it’s amazing  thanks for the thought but my stories aren’t that good. But thanks anyway.