As I'm sure everyone knows, there are a lot of fucking toxic fans in this fandom, as there are in every fandom, but this fandom is just so godamn noxious I hate it.
With that being said I do hope everyone is living their best life while not being a nuisance to others, and if they're not at the moment I hope they will. :)
@_StormyNights_ I hope said people, that don't only exist in the fandom, but throughout the world, become not as toxic. And if they don't they can suck a big fan fungus-infested toe.
I made a joke that wasn't funny and was taken as an insult on a fan account and so that fan account lashed back at me so I apologized because I mean I didn't mean for it to be an insult but it's not their fault because y'know it's hard to determine whether or not someone is being a jackass or and idiot through text but I ended up dming them as well and they haven't responded or anything so I'm really anxious and I feel terrible about it djsjshsbfbfnggn