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/cb "The big bang" for Winston's lecture from bible "The garden of Eden" for spending alone time with Winston "Father, I have sinned" for Winston to attempt exorcism on you "Till death do us apart" for Winston at wedding (not his wedding)

“Oh…. A house call. To what do I owe the pleasure, father?” Poor satin looked disheveled. Truthfully, they had finally taken a day off and had plans to sleep the day away, but the doorbell had awoken them. “I guess I’ll make some tea and breakfast for myself… come in. I can cook for you too.”

@satinic- His eyes lit up with satisfied smile in response. "Do you think so? It's been a hard thought. My family had not much to do with the fashion. I was raised alone with my father who wore black all the time. It was easier than changing back to his work suit" He sighed to himself, piercing eyes at them suspiciously. "No, wait. Something tells me that you're indeed very sleepy but you have secret intentions, am i not right? Im gonna make sure you dont overwork yourself. Coffee, that's it." He chuckled happily, grabbing Satin's shoulders, spinning with him around out of chaotical happiness. " Lead the way"

“You look good! I can always help you with your wardrobe now that you’re free…” Man they were sleepy, leaning against the door as they tried to keep their eyes open. “You did wake me up… but I’m awake now.” A soft smile lit up their face as they listens to him speak, nodding a little, holding his hand and dragging him into their home. “Can you help me make a tea? I’m really tired but I should just wake up now anyways.”

@satinic- He frowned softly, taking out his notebook, turning the pages, gasping in surprise. "You're right! Oh no and just when my found myself a decent clothing that described me" His eyes lowered in disappointment for a moment as he made his way in Satin's home, offering them weak smile at their suggestion. "Of course I do. I wanna be at all of them and see all the thought you gave to your garments." He marched forward, looking around curiously around his home, then back at the host. "Oh, I hope, i didnt just wake you from your sleep. I can come any other day." He suggested upon taking in the tired blonde, feeling almost sorry for taking his precious sleep now. "I think you're right. My life just lit up with all colors, new sensations. Thank you for being there for me in the times of my old days. It gave me the strength to realise, i was in the wrong place, my friend." He stepped back towards Satin, shaking his hand once again, holding it close

With careful footsteps and the mumble of a password, Cedric Diggory had somehow found himself here. He wasn’t entirely certain of his own motives, just that he was here now—a frown on the Hufflepuff boy’s face, yet he kept quiet. He knew he could get caught and be in serious trouble—he wasn’t meant to be here, nor was this something that someone known as the perfect Hufflepuff would do—but here he was, in the flesh. Perhaps he had just wanted a conversation, as he couldn’t sleep that night. A friend to talk to, to spend the night chatting away with. Didn’t that sound nice to him. He.. just needed to find out where said friend was staying, and that may just prove to be the most difficult thing present. How was he supposed to do that anyways? He was somewhat positive he may find out, and that he just may not. / i’m so sorry that this was bad aa </3

Cedric took a step back when James had stepped closer, and he straightened slightly. “Seriously? How peculiar. I suppose that does make sense, however. You must have heard about it recently, then?” he queried. He was curious, much more curious than most would expect of him—and yet he simply couldn’t help it, “Oh, for Merlin’s /sake/. Dragons.. of all things, as the first challenge? That seems difficult as it is.. hopefully we’re allowed our wands or something. Avoiding that thing by ourselves would be considerably difficult, wouldn’t it?” he sighed out, inhaling deeply before exhaling softly. “I paid attention.. but I only know a few of the more common breeds. I can help you, but I’m not sure how useful my information would be,” he looked away sheepishly. “How am /I/ doing? Well.. I didn’t think I’d get picked, that’s for sure. It’s still a bit of a shock. But.. I did it because of my friends. They coaxed me into doing it.” he shook his head. “Why’d /you/ do it, James?” he turned the question.

@nota-shinyvampire Taking in the other's expression, James smirked subtly, stepping closer. "It's called room of requirement. It's a place where you can be hidden without anyone knowing. Ive heard about it from ghosts while i couldnt sleep. You hear a lot when you wander through hallways at night." He gave a shrug, taking a seat at one of the sofas, leaning closer towards the other. "I might have a clue. One of my classmates mistaked me with Harry from afar and told me about Hagrid wanting to see me so i sneaked around and they're hiding actual dragons in the forbidden forest, but you didnt get it from me. Obviously, they have them for that reason. You dont keep dragons around with all the beasts in the forbidden forest. I never paid much attention when we studied dragons so i was gonna do a little research about the breeds in the restricted section" He said timidly, rubbing his eyes, looking over the other with interest.. "What about you? How are you holding up with the recent events? You obviously dont do it for recognition. Why have you signed?" James asked curiously

“Oh-” Cedric choked out in surprise, blinking a few times. “I.. didn’t expect you to be up. But I’m glad that you are. Honestly, you’re right.. I couldn’t sleep, either. It seems that we are both in the same predicament, then?” he grinned sheepishly. “Perhaps. It would be a good idea to do so, wouldn’t it? After all, we’ve got little to no idea of what it is. It could honestly.. be anything. I just know it’s set to hopefully not actually kill us,” he stretched, sighing softly. “Huh?!” Cedric exclaimed in quiet surprise at being dragged by his sleeve by James, and he shook his head to clear his spiraling thoughts. “Mm.. okay, I trust you.” Cedric gave a small, curt nod. He closed his eyes as he was instructed to do so, a bit nervous. What was going on? He decided not to actually question James about it directly, but he would wonder until he figured it out, which he was certain that he might. Cedric hummed. “..This is different.” he admitted, blinking once, then twice. “Uh.. where are we?” he questioned curiously.

//Omg full demonic takeover Tatum hummed as he now wandered into Winston’s home covered head to toe in blood, a content look on his face. The possessed man didn’t seem to care at all about what was going on. Needless to say after having a fit of rage…well a lot of priests and innocent church goers didn’t exactly make it. His gaze flickered around for Winston. “I know you’re here. You can’t avoid me for forever. You have to face me eventually.” With that he started his hunt for him and when he located him, a sadistic smile formed across his face. “What? You look like you’ve seen a /ghost/. It’s still me. Come on don’t try to run now.” He moved in closer now wrapping one bloodied hand around the others neck.

@_Strouts He groaned as he shivered at the kisses now glancing back in order to look at Winston. “That feels amazing.” He groaned more. With that he gently wiggled around to get as comfortable as he possibly could, and to try to keep himself awake of course. “God you’re about to make me fall asleep.”

@unholymesses Winston smirked down at him, knowingly, pressing kisses in the back of his neck while adding more pressure into his touch, humming against his skin. He was beginning to feel the relaxing affect of the atmosphere in the air

@_Strouts He buried his face down into the bed as he let out a content sigh. “Mmm please put some more pressure into it, that feels very nice…but really get deep in there.” He couldn’t help but smirk to himself. He began to relax as a yawn escaped from him enjoying his boyfriends touch finding it to be deathly relaxing. Honestly he could just fall asleep like this but for now he won’t. Not until his boyfriend was ready to sleep anyway.

/cb "The big bang" for Winston's lecture from bible "The garden of Eden" for spending alone time with Winston "Father, I have sinned" for Winston to attempt exorcism on you "Till death do us apart" for Winston at wedding (not his wedding)

Tatum had been radio silent for awhile with his tormenting of Winston just so he could mess with his head of course. What else could he do to break him? That was until he now approached the other from behind wrapping his arms around Winston’s waist. Don’t ask him how he even got into the others home. He of course had his ways he would not be revealing anytime soon. “Miss me, father?” He spoke in a mocking tone not being able to help himself. He wouldn’t dare pass up a good opportunity such as this one. He would just mentally hate himself for forever if he did something as careless as that. Oh no he was trying to be as mindful as possible if anything. “Mmm judging by your body language I think you have. You can’t fool me, father~ Not even in the slightest of chances.” He whispered into his ear, keeping his arms wrapped firmly around the priests waist.

@_Strouts Tatum’s breath hitched as he kept his gaze lowered, shivering again. “I don’t know.” He whispered now closing his eyes just shivering somewhat yet again. His voice then dropped a few octaves, a dark and hostile tone to it. “He wanted them all dead, father.” Eventually he looked up at Winston a conflicting look on his face. This tended to happen to him from time to time. He got forced into doing things he originally wouldn’t want to do by this being that lurked inside of him. It was very very conflicting to him especially mentally. “Winston this thing won’t leave me alone. It’s been apart of me for…hell I lost track of time. But it’s been /here/.”

@unholymesses "You certainly dont make it hard to believe." He crossed arms on the chest, seizing him suspiciously. "Your voice is flat when you mention something that touched you so deep. You have no conscience, dont feel pain. We had psychology in the first year. People Who feel no value to human life kill. You wanted them to die Havent you, Tatum?" He shivered slightly, eyes trained on the man

@_Strouts “Who said I was the one who burnt it down?” He raised his eyebrows locking eyes with Winston. Did the priest see through his act now? Hmmm he wasn’t too sure but he would have to test it. “And I never asked you to do anything for me Winston..but you can’t get rid of me now.” A weak smile formed across his face. He was now latched onto Winston’s soul per se. Wasn’t exactly his choice as the host but the devil spirits did what they pleased. He then dropped his gaze again peering back into the mug, trailing a finger around the rim of it. “Father…what I do is unexplained. I have to admit that but you’ve also got to take into account for whatever the hell I am.” His eyebrows furrowed. He would mention the possession again but he wasn’t in the mood to get holy water at him and potentially burn at the contact.

/ the day that I stop simping for him is the day somebody asks me about the function of a rubber duck Cb

Gally grumbled out being in one of his usual bad moods as always. Hell it went as far as shoving some people out of his way but he froze when he saw Winston watching him. He sent the other a guilty look while he would now approach the ravenette fidgeting around with his fingers just expecting the other to yell at him as usual. At this point it was extremely expected, what else was new? Nothing really. “Go on. Get on with it already so I can get on with my goddamn day.” He huffed out now sending the other a glare. What got him in such a bad mood? Some of the other builders making fun of him for willingly listening to Winston out of all people.

@_Strouts Gally smiled as he leaned into his boyfriends touch holding him close, now practically melting against him enjoying the praise he had been receiving. “Mmm now you have to tell me what you said you would after I finished fixing you up, Mr. Winston.” He smirked. “Don’t worry…doctor patient confidentially.” He teased the other. “Pleaseeee? I’ll beg literally all day if I have to. Don’t you dare think I wouldn’t.” He had a serious look on his face. What? He was very curious, a naïve look in his eyes. Everything Winston said and did made him curious he couldn’t help himself. There was always new things to learn.

@gladesbuilder Winston listened obediently, breathing shakily, opening eyes upon feeling the glass brush against his lower lip, looking up to his lover thankfully, reaching for his hand. "Thanks for the tips. I'll try to follow, doctor" He winked at the other playfully, smiling at him softly, leaning into hug. "You've just saved me, Gally. It was great job. I would've taken you to me any day after this, but for now i dont want more than to be held in your arms. Gally-" He whispered against him, wrapping arms around the blonde

@_Strouts “Baby no, no. Keep your mouth open. Don’t tense your jaw.” He instructed with much care and soon enough he got the shard out of his throat and carefully out of his mouth not wanting to cut it on anything. Once it was out he pulled Winston close. “I’m not sure what else I can do for you but don’t lean your head back or you’ll choke on your blood. Also don’t lay down for awhile until you’re sure the bleeding has stopped.” He gave off a look of worry. He didn’t have very much experience with doing anything like this so he was just using common knowledge. With that he placed a kiss on his boyfriends cheek. “But you did so good for me, thank you for being still and letting me help you. God I’m so glad you’re not scared of tweezers.” He couldn’t help but tease the other since he knew he was always difficult for Winston.

//Them + tension (; “My god Winston stop bitching at me for one goddamn moment.” The blonde grunted as he looked over his shoulder at the ravenette putting his shirt on since he had been doing some work. His eyes started to sparkle with mischief, he knew one way to get him to shut up. Grabbing Winston’s hand he dragged the male out into the woods not saying anything while doing so. Once he thought they were deep enough he shoved the medic up against a tree grunting quietly. “Now stop bitching at me or I’ll knock all your teeth in.” He warned the male. He stared into Winston’s eyes for a few movements before he leaned in, kissing the male which was even surprising for himself to say the least.

@_Strouts “You want to get to know…more of me?” He looked extremely confused at that to which he tilted his head off to the side as a sigh escaped from him. “And we just…have to continue to sneak around.” He whispered his gaze flickering away from Winston, his eyebrows furrowed together at the thought. He really didn’t want to think about it. He went to say something else but he just stopped himself, frowning.

@gladesbuilder He blinked softly, leaning back, giving brief nod, watching the blonde intently, smirking to himself. "Gally, it meant something to me. Obviously, to us both. Id love to get to know more of you, but I know you wanna be in charge and if people knew, they would talk and it could ruin your chances" He crossed arms on the chest with annoyed huff

@_Strouts Gally stopped him as he shook his head. “No don’t kiss me yet. I want to actually /talk/. Not make out with you.” He huffed quietly but he just remained close to Winston enjoying the others body heat. “So what does this mean for us moving forward? What do we label…this..as?” He tilted his head off to the side being genuinely curious as he was new to all of this and he assumed Winston was too…but he wasn’t too sure. “Or do we just not put a label on anything? Will that be the easiest thing to do?”

Gally panted as he pulled his shirt off to reveal quite the nasty gash he had gotten while doing some more construction today. His gaze now flickered onto Winston. “There you’ve seen it, happy now? I told you I’m fine. I don’t need you to look after me you know.” He whispered as his eyebrows furrowed close together looking a bit troubled. Deep down he felt guilty but he wouldn’t ever say that out loud. “No no don’t look at me like that. I seriously don’t need you to patch me up.”

@_Strouts “Yes ma’am.” He grunted out in a sarcastic manner before he buried his face into Winston’s neck. Yeah he didn’t want to irritate the other again not wanting to feel his wrath or have him yell at him again. Now that was goddamn scary considering his size. Though he did whine not exactly liking the feeling but he just dealt with it trying not to look.

@gladesbuilder Winston eventually gave up, sighing to himself. "But you let me stitch up your hand till the end now. No moving" He said firmly, gulping nervously, trying to sit in a way Gally wouldnt feel his problem, lowering eyes to the blonde's hand, gently stitching up the remaining knots as swiftly and fast as he could manage, getting much calmer at his mind being brought anywhere from his disturbing thoughts.

@_Strouts He whined a bit when the other had told him no, he did not like that one bit. “Please?” He whined out basically begging him now. He hated to admit it but he wanted to cuddle the other some more. He wasn’t the type of guy who could easily express what he wanted, he stuffed with his words quite often. He now sent the other a helpless look. “Please? I’ve been good, I let you stitch up the wound. I think I deserve this don’t you think?” With that he began to sulk. Huffing a little he turned his gaze away from Winston.