
Hi guys, im back, and i will be publishing my book Ghoul on Royal Roads, its an awesome website do check out.


Hey :D
          Thanks a lot for checking my books out !!!
          May i know like from where/how u chanced upon my profile :)" ??


@_Taha_Syed_ Sure No issues! Thanks :)


@rishabh_24 heyy!! firstly your books are amazing! and secondly my sister @tu_amor_zzy  recommended your books, since I am writing a horror book too and she kinda wanted me to see how to write a bone chilling yet amazing horror book like yours...oh yeah if you have time make sure to check out my book :D


Hi All!
          I don't know how I should react but its a surprise for me! Yesterday night at 11:00 I closed my Wattpad looking at my profile saying pretty good. And today at 8:01. It was shocking for me too that my followers rising from 44 to 76!!!!! I promise all my followers that there will be a permanent follow back from and my friends side i.e. 3 follow backs (until You unfollow me). And I promise that if any of you need any help from my side I will help! I cannot stop thanking the new followers. And thank my follower from before for all the love and support! Love you all!!


@_Taha_Syed_ congrats dude!! even though  Idk what your followers see in ya 


@Maria_Marko  hey!! he is my bro go get another for yourself


Can u believe this? 6 hours ago it was 86! And now!  This 125!


          I just followed, but I am not here for a follow back.
          I am here to help and wish.
          First: I am wishing you to stay safe and happy.
          And about help.
          I want to help my friend in raising some SUBSCRIBERs for his YouTube Channel.
          Link: https://youtube.com/channel/UC3Wprwov5i75ttn1AHyTCRA
          Would you mind SUBSCRIBING?


@_Taha_Syed_ Thanks very much!


I'm gonna subscribe him with 2 different accounts 