
I'm 18 now. Woah


Hi can you go read my latest book ?
          My kind of boy ?


Thank you so much,  I really enjoy your comment and I’ll try making improvements like you said 
            with love,


@cussmemo Sure! I'll read the first chapter and let you know what I think 


I'm not okay. Anxiety is killing me and I know it's not even reasonable yet I can't stop it. Why is it doing this to me, why did it start? When did this start? I used to talk with or without my girlfriend (Friend back then) Carefree and I never even batted an eye if she was paying attention to someone else.  
          Now I can't stand it..
          My anxiety shoots off to space when I see her voting on other art books, why do I do this to myself? I want to cry but I can't. 
          I want to keep her to myself, I don't want her to give those other artists her attention, and I know it's selfish and wrong to be like this. Yet I continue anyway because I don't know how to be any other way. 
          Why am I like this?


Well, it's 1 am and I'm currently just crying myself to sleep, lovely.


@BrokenFlower139 Well, I guess I'm sort of okay now. Got my cry out to someone I trust


@Official_Female_Ink_ *pats her head* ah family issues that happens to me alot