
Hey @iheartyouuhh ! Of course you could join this account. Just PM @NotPerfectAngels or @_The_Bite_. We'll give you the account info ASAP and we'll give you details on how to join:)
          	~Gabby @NotPerfectAngels


          @_hi_its_emi_ job: cheif and editor, interviewer.
          @xx1dgirliexx job:co-cheif, interviewer.
          @_beautifully_me_ job: interviewer
          @MadInsidiousSheepGrl job:interviewer.
          Everyone on the list, email me at: hi_its_emi@yahoo.com or egTheBite@yahoo.com
          I need you to fill out a form, come up with questions, I'll give you the passwords and everything, and you can apply for another/different job. email me or PM me as soon as possible!