Cinder would look around, looking for food as she’d pant, the fire was hot but that didn’t matter, she was exposed to hotter. She’d go into one house... one... two... three...
Cinder was launched back out, slammed into a pillar as she’d glare and look up at the alpha Beowulf that had been hiding in the house that had just bursted through, “You’re not getting in my way...”
The Beowulf would roar out at Cinder as it rushed at her, running, albeit they were very far.
Cinder would grab a sandbag that was behind her, superheating it as a bunch of glass would be formed into sharp shards and she’d launch it all at the Beowulf. She’d then get up and rush at it, going towards it’s left side, which was turned more away from her as she’d go to cut off its arm.
The Beowulf screamed out and would be get through the back of it by the shards, dark mist coming from its body as Cinder would come up from the side and cut its arm up.
She’d then slam her other sword into its leg, cutting off the left limbs it had. She’d then spin around and kick it back into the house as hard as she could. She’d rush at it more and use the last bit of fire dust she had the set the house and the Beowulf on fire. She’d launch both her swords at it, the swords going through it and pinning it to the ground as it would die.
Salem watched from her Seer, smiling, “That’s the one.”