
@_Toshiro-Hitsugaya_ if your planning to stay in Soul Society, you better change your outfit. I don't concern in helping you Arrancars...in proper standards, your one of Captain Kurostuchi's experimental of subject. Try not to get yourself killed... We all will be annoyed by him if we destroyed you.


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"Of course I'm allowed to roam free my dear captain! I'm more Shinigami than hollow aren't I? After all, my creation is due to a Shinigami, and I do possess shinigami DNAs... Why? Are you silly people supposed to kill me? First, I'd like to see you try- and second- Shiro! I'm offended. You'd kill someone as adorable as me?" he stuck his tongue out and crossed his arms


@VIOLETxBARD @VIOLETxBARD "What did you just call me? I think I just heard a hollow cry, mind repeating that again Kurostuchi Hanijima?" I said as I smirked, staring at the Arrancar. "You got some nerves, degrading a captain is unforgivable. You better watch your mouth, for your words are a disgust to me. You wouldn't want to go near my blades now would we?" As I slowly unsheathed my Zanpakutō.


@_Toshiro-Hitsugaya_ "Why you-" he shifted his weight to move forward, before taking a deep breath, relaxing again. "You're so annoying Captain Shortass. Why don't you shove your sword down your throat and put that big mouth to good use?" he snapped back at the Shinigami, baring pointed teeth angrily. "I can do whatever I want, if my Master doesn't tell me I cannot do it, and he never said I couldn't kill you." he was tensed up, childish face twisted in barely hidden anger. "I'm not amusing, and I'm not an experiment."


When you put it that way, you make me tick off with amusement, more and more. Even if your just an Arrancar that holds that Shinigami's DNA, I still see you as an enemy than a foe. I cannot think of you as anything else than this. I must say, I find you to have the guts to happily roam around freely, I can't believe that Captain Kurostuchi would make his experiments leave so casually.


"Well I think you shinigami are interesting." Hani watched him through careful dark eyes. "But still incredibly dull. It's a miracle that you've even survived." his head turned like an owl's. "You're still interesting in my option though. I've heard about your bankai from Lady Tier."