Hey. I'm Aki. I found this via reddit. I'm looking to become a witch. I haven't used Wattpad for a while I just let my older sister write stories on here. I have two questions. One, should I change his name? My older sister made it two years ago. (She was strange) I don't mind it, but I wanna know if it's something I should keep or change. Two, I'm making a BOS (On Wattpad) and I don't know how to start it and what to name it. I know I'm going to have "Book of Shadows" in the title, but what should I add to it if I should add anything? Thanks for taking the time to read this. I hope you get time to answer my questions, but if you don't it's fine. Thank you.

If you can change the name I would XD but honestly it’s up to you. For your BoS, I’ve written advice for starting one here https://www.wattpad.com/1229865459 I think go with your gut for naming your BoS. Don’t forget you can always change the name later ;) Let me know if you have any more questions though :)