
Hey Everyone! If you want to read my new novels, check out my new profile: @_bookish_girl because I won't post any recent novels here. By the way, I just edited some of the details in my current novel so if you want to check it out, here is the link:


Hellow!! How are you guys? I'm doing great!! But is it just me? Or is everyone not liking the recent signs of Wattpad, just like me? :( I think they should do it like how it was a few days ago I miss them :")


@_Mittika_ Yesss! Right now I just want to see the past signs and hope that wattpad will fix it


@_Umnia_  No! It's not just you. I also dislike the recent signs and miss the past signs :")


Hello guys! Hope all of you are doing fine!! I am doing great! My exams are after 2 days :") SAD LIFE.
          Check out the book of my friend. She writes insanely even though it's her first book. I was like What the heck when I read it first. Link of the book:
          Enjoy reading this! And don't forget to vote, comment, add this to your reading list and mostly follow her if you want!


Hey guys! Hope you are doing well. As you know, the covid-19 is spreading fast. REALLY FAST. India is really in a critical situation as there are shortages in everything, including OXYGEN. If you want to help by donating, please help them and donate. The link- 


@_Mittika_ shut up maya! you dont need to be an Indian citizan for donating there, pretty. ; ) you can donate there from wherever you are around the world, sagol.


@_Umnia__  Oops!! I'm not an Indian citizen that's why, I can't donate*worried*
            But, I can pray for them *smiling*