It's all so worthless.
There is nothing left. Everything is so worthless. In the future, people will look back, but will they remember us? No. They won't remember anything we ever said or did. No matter how much we pretend that everything matters, it really doesn't. Material objects don't define us. We can't define ourselves. We are worthless. We are nothing. I am worthless. I am nothing.
It can't be helped. Eventually someone will have to realize. Nothing matters anymore, does it? Trees. Animals. Plants. That math test you have next week. All your dreams and hopes and wishes and blind faith in the world to give you the things you need. It's all so worthless, isn't it? And humans. We delusion ourselves into thinking that we're smarter, somehow better, more intelligent than other species. But really, our blind faith in everything is what makes us so stupid, unable to see what's right in front of us. We try so hard to deny the things we know are true, that we believe ourselves.
It doesn't matter.
None of it.
It's all worthless, nothing, only even created by our idiocy and foolishness. It doesn't MATTER. It just doesn't. And for every time you convince yourself that it does matter, everything crashes down. It's so worthless. Nothing matters, and nothing ever will. We'll create illusions until we die. We'll never see through the veil over everyone's eyes.
Humans are so stupid.
I hate myself.
And that's why I'm giving up.
  • Hell
  • JoinedOctober 19, 2015
