
I’ve been struggling on what to do for the next couple chapters of terms and conditions but I’ve finally got some motivation back and I’m working on the next chapter so expect a new update within the next couple of days 


The amount of writers block I’ve had these last two weeks are insane. Like I have a bunch of ideas for the next couple chapters but I just can’t get them on paper. Like I honestly have no idea how to connect everything or how to articulate my thoughts right now. I’m going crazy


Three chapters coming out today and there are gunna be three out tmw. Let me just say the last chapter going out tmw we finally see a development with the relationship!!!!!!!! I’m so excited I don’t wanna spoil to much


So I’m clearly going through something as I’ve realized the last couple chapters that I posted for terms and conditions are very angsty and the next couple chapters are as well, but don’t worry there is gonna be some fluffy stuff coming soon. Sorry guys I’m just a sucker for the drama 


Thank you for 1k reads on Terms and Conditions. Honestly never thought I’d get more than like 20. This is the hardest I’ve ever worked on something like this so thank you for taking the time out of your day to read it!


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