
Leave starters before I decide to murder people 


A tall woman approached him in a long doctors coat her emerald eyes half lit in a gaze her hair flows slightly and she stance across from you her lanyard nametag reads,: Dr Jennifer Lezbean. Her hair now a midst of large flames she looks pissed with you. “May we speak?”


"M-mister Vox..?" He asked, tugging on his shirt slightly. "A-are you okay? You look.. d-did something happen with Valentino..?" 


            Vox shook his head “no…?”


            "Because you don't usually.." He paused to look closer at him. "Did Valentino reprogram you somehow..?" 


            “But you… you never ask if I’m ok”


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Marcus glared at the TV demon. "Where the fuck have you been?" He asked, walking over to him and raising his hand to strike him. 


            He seemed confused and worried about Marcus gentleness as he stood waiting for him


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            "You said we should sleep, and I made up my mind." He mumbled, seeming to get a little softer. "Besides, I don't need us fucking this company up because we're exhausted." He said, getting up and setting Vox down gently. "Come on." 




            Sounds like a nightmare 


            Damn it and he's off-
            Okay give me a bit for Google hunting
            Time to glitch my web browserr


/hi,mind if I leave a starter?
          The orange and red demon looked at the other slightly confused. "Your Vox..right? Although you might be a different version of the one I'm familiar with..I've ran into who knows how many Alastor's,but I guess there can also be different versions of the other demons I somewhat know."


            “Uh…sorry…who are you?” Vox asked, going through the schedule on his phone. “My boss doesn’t have anyone scheduled for a meeting right now”


"Hi new friend! You sure look familiar but at the same time you don't which is kinda funny because I thought I know someone like you but that would be so rude to think your someone different but at the same time you might be the person I'm thinking off but it escaped my mind" Sunny rambled, already happily shaking the others hand
          //When ever I see a shy account it makes me wanna bother them with the highlighter, so please accept my humble offering of a starter because I'm full of energy rn


            "AND MISS ALL THE FUN THINGS OUT HERE?!" He gasped, squishing his cheeks together


            “Rrrright… maybe we should go visit one” he suggested


            "Hospital?" He thought for a bit, tapping his hoof on the ground "Nope! None of those- I don't think I been to one in... A very long time!


"Vox! We're the hell is Val, he's five fuckin minutes late!" Travis yelled, having another tantrum


            He flinched slightly from the others hand. “Yeah…uh thank you sir…”


            "Good boy" he huffed, patting the tv's head while he waited


            “Y-yes sir!” He squeaked, voice crackling with tv static. He quickly messaged Val to let him know 


"Voxxy~" The eel demon cooed, wrapping his tail around the TV demon. "I didn't see you in my office earlier." 


            [Thay was so funnnnn!!!]